Please (when asking for something) = kudasai.
Please (one of several ways to say it) = dozo.
Thank you = domo arigato.
Thank you very much = domo arigato gozaimasu. (Note the final "u" is silent.)
Thanks (very casual) = domo.
Thank you, it was delicious = gochi sosama deshita.
Thanks for everything! = O sewa ni narimashita.
Excuse me (when getting someone's attention) = sumi masen.
Excuse me (I'm sorry) = gomen nasai.
I'm really sorry = ontouni gomen nasai.
I'm really, really sorry = moushiwake arimasen.
Yes = hai.
Yes, please = hai dozo.
No = Iie (pron "EE-yeh").
No, thank you = Iie kekko desu.
I don't understand = wakari-masen.
Please say it again = mo ichido itte, kudasai.
I don't speak Japanese = Nihongo hanase-masen.
I don't understand Japanese = Nihongo wakari-masen.
Good morning = ohayo gozaimasu. (Note the final "u" is silent.)
Good afternoon (or good day) = konnichiwa.
Good evening = konbanwa.
Goodbye (very informal) = so-re dewa.
A lot / plenty = takusan.
A little = sukoshi.
Just a little, please = sukoshi dake, kudasai.
Delicious! = oishi!
Cool! = sugoi!
Well, that was different = sozo ijo no mono deshita.
Beer = biiru.
Green tea = o-cha. (Agari is sushi slang.)
Water = mizu.
Do you have whale? = kujira, ga arimasuka?
Separate checks, please = betsu-betsu ni onegai shimasu.
Check, please = o-aiso, kudasai. (Alternate = o-kanjo kudasai.)
(And, finally, remember: If the man behind the bar is Korean or Chinese, these won't be very helpful.)

Copyright 2006-2008, David Plotnikoff. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without permission.