Modem Driver: 1994-2002
At the time I started writing a weekly column about digital culture, the
Web was a text-only proof-of concept, what little consumer online access
existed was almost exclusively through AOL, Prodigy and Compuserve and the
paper's coverage of the Internet was limited exclusively to the pages of
the business section. Where to put a column about digital culture
was an open question. It lived for years in the entertainment pages, then
in the features sections and eventually ended up in the business
department. It's hard to encapsulate the tremendous optimism that pervaded
Silicon Valley when the Internet exploded as a mass medium. I was very
fortunate to be there, and very fortunate to have no rules and great
editors, particularly Jonathan Krim and Guy Lasnier.
Father's Day, June 18, 1994
NetDay, March 10, 1996
The Devil on Your Desktop, March 14, 1996
A Page of One's Own, May 30, 1996
Her Majesty Logs On, March 7, 1997
The Smart Refrigerator, March 7, 1999
Closing of the Net Frontier, Dec. 5, 1999
The Amish Discover Spam, June 18, 2000
The Nigerian Letter, June 13, 2002
Search Me, Aug. 8, 2002
Main index