Susan and llamas at Chief Lake

Susan and Zach at Silver Pass

8/18 FRI
8:30-7 (longest day of trip)

The 1300 feet of climbing through glacial lake and meadow territory, to Silver Pass (10,900) -- highest point since Donohue Pass -- was the easiest and most photogenic major climb of the trip. Then, it was an easy-rolling descent to a small meadow, followed by a steep and dangerous descent to Pocket Meadow and finally the Mono Creek Trail junction (8300).

Above Pocket Meadow

After finally parting company with the John Muir Trail and turning east on the Mono Pass lateral, the afternoon is a monotonous, gradual slog in pine and aspen cover, uphill past unmarked Second Recess (8800) and a number of confusing unmarked forks until finally we regroup as a foursome and stagger the final mile to a gargantuan and overused horse camp at Third Recess junction (9800). Arriving in camp late, after the sun had disappeared from the long canyon, the bugs and the bitter cold immediately set in.

Total: 14 miles.