Lake Virginia

8/17 THU

After 2.3 miles south to Purple Lake (9900), it's a harsh mid-morning climb out of that bowl, ending at beautiful, wide-open Lake Virginia, (10,335). From there on, it's steep downhill switchbacks into Tully Hole (9600 ish). We dropped down a bit more into Fish Creek gorge, and crossed the large footbridge to the head of Cascade Valley (9200). The unmarked junction with the Cascade Valley trail on the right was the only major JMT/PCT junction we saw without a sign. (A day later, in the signless confusion of Mono Creek, we'd appreciate the signs of the JMT all the more.) It was a short climb from that junction to another excellent lone campsite adjacent to a hanging pocket meadow near where the JMT crosses the main stream.

Total: 8 miles.

Tully Hole