8/16 WED

Never underestimate the restorative power of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, hot showers and soft beds. We made what would have to be characterized as a miraculous, Lazarus-like recovery overnight. After the hearty breakfast at Red's Meadow Cafe, it was more or less consistently up all day. We headed south from the Red's corrals, immediately re-connecting with the JMT and fell into the mellowest climb of the trip, ''as easy as up can be'' on a soft sandy trail with long, long switchbacks, in pretty pine cover. David fell into a blissful flow state here that carried him all day. We ate a relaxed lunch at Deer Creek crossing (9300), which is the last pumpable water for the afternoon. Then it was on to another easy-rolling climb, with many breathtaking vistas to the south and west. Erik outdid himself shooting panos, while Zach and Susan motored on to scout the giant camp site just north of Duck Lake trail junction (10,080).

Total: 12 miles.

Camp at Duck Lake Junction

Susan at Duck Lake Junction