Marie Lake, Sierra National Forest

8/13/01 MON

Rosemarie Meadow was nice, but we are not sorry to leave, on account of the mosquitos. We regroup at Marie Lake (10,570) just before the final little climb to Selden Pass (10,900) and suddenly realize we're in the middle of a southbound traffic jam of sorts. Up at the pass, there are a half-dozen people -- many we recognize from Vermilion, including a couple of Oakland/Berkeley young men toting 70-80 lb. packs (with three bear canisters). They are going straight through to Whitney. After the pass it's downhill for the remainder of the day. On the way down from the pass we take time to hang out at both Heart Lake and Sallie Keyes Lakes. After loading up on water at Sallie Keyes, we begin a hot, ugly seven-mile descent from 10,200 to 8,400, where the cutoff trail to Florence Lake and Muir Trail Ranch puts in.

Clockwise from top left, below: Looking south, from just below Selden Pass (by Erik); Selden Pass, looking north; Sallie Keyes Lake (by Erik); Heart Lake

With the headwaters of the South Fork of the San Joaquin River out of sight on our right, we soldier on, moving slowly uphill. The final two miles seem to drag on for hours. Erik powers on, intent on securing us a prime campsite. Finally, Susan and I limp into the junction with the Piute Pass Trail (8,050). Immediately in front of us is the steel bridge that crosses roaring Piute Creek. We cross it, and thus enter Kings Canyon National Park for good. The Piute Creek bridge is a bustling camping area. We note four other parties are already there. We camp away from them, just east of the bridge, on the south bank of the creek in a maze of low manzanita bushes.

Piute Creek Bridge (by Erik)

Tonight we have ants but no mosquitos. Today was a net drop of 2,000 from Rosemarie Meadow. I'm feeling much better today and the pack feels almost normal when we're trucking on flat terrain. Still, Motrin first thing tomorrow is in order.

Saw 14 northbound and 12 southbound today, most bunched up in the morning around Marie Lake and getting over Selden Pass.

Total mileage: 12.1.
Time out: 9
Time in: 6